How to build and manage the Marketplace in Manor Lords
How to set up a full Marketplace of Stalls in Manor Lords
Having trouble figuring out Marketplaces and Market Stalls in Manor Lords? You're not the only one to be tripped up by the finnicky market stall supply mechanic in Slavic Magic's eagerly anticipated city-builder, Manor Lords. To keep your people happy, you need a supply of Market Stalls nearby offering a variety of essential goods such as food and fuel. But these Stalls seem to have a mind of their own sometimes, don't they?
In this guide, you'll learn how to properly set up a Marketplace and add all the Stalls you need to ensure a prosperous settlement in Manor Lords, including Food, Fuel, and Clothing Stalls.
How to build a Marketplace in Manor Lords
Building a Marketplace costs no resources, and you can place one down at the very start of a game. The Marketplace is found in the Residential tab of the build menu. Just like Burgage Plots, a Marketplace is a "flexible plot", meaning you define the outline of the Marketplace by placing down the four corners, snapping to nearby Roads and other buildings.
For your first Marketplace, we'd recommend making it large enough for around 20-25 Stalls. It doesn't cost you anything to build larger ones, of course, but it may take up space that you'll want later on for other buildings.

How to build Market Stalls in Manor Lords
You can't manually build Market Stalls in Manor Lords. Instead, they're automatically built by various different families in your settlement, provided they have something to sell, and you have space in a Marketplace for them to set one up.
What this means is: if you want a Food Stall to be built in your Marketplace, then you'll need to set a family working in a place that houses Food items. For most settlements, this will be a Granary. You can do the same with any building that stores resources and has room for families to work inside it. If you need a Fuel Stall, then have families work where there's Firewood. If you need a Clothing Stall, then set a family working in a Storehouse containing Clothes.
Why is your Stall not being built?
The only issue is when families work in a place containing lots of different types of items, like a Storehouse. If, for example, you have one Storehouse holding both Clothes and Firewood, but only one family working in the Storehouse, then you'll likely only get one Market Stall on either Clothes or Fuel, but not both.
To fix this issue, place a second family working in the Storehouse as well, and they should set up a Stall for the other resource type. If that doesn't work, it might be that both families have set up the same type of Stall. In this case, you can click on one of the Stalls and Demolish it, then unassign and reassign the family at the Storehouse.
And with that, our guide to Marketplaces and Stalls is complete! For more easy victories in Manor Lords, explore our tips on how to increase Population, how to trade, and how to get Influence and Regional Wealth.