How to get more Oxen in Manor Lords
Here's how to obtain more Oxen in Manor Lords
Want to get more Oxen in Manor Lords? Oxen are the ever-reliable beasts of burden in Manor Lords who will be your best friends when building out a town. To increase the ease of transporting materials around your settlement and plowing your fields, you can't go wrong with multiple Oxen at your beck and call.
Unfortunately, at the start of Manor Lords you only start with one ox, which will quickly prove to not be enough as your settlement starts expanding. It's not too hard to acquire more of these friendly bovines, so read on if you're interested in getting more Oxen in Manor Lords.
How to get more Oxen in Manor Lords
If you want more Oxen, you can either order them one-by-one or import them en masse.
Ordering's the more straightforward route. All you need to do is open up the menu for a Hitching Post or a Small Stable on your settlement map. Click Order Another Ox, which will cost 20 Regional Wealth You can only place an order once a month, since a livestock trader will come to your town to personally deliver your new purchase.

If you for whatever reason need a whole bunch of Oxen, you can import them. Craft a Livestock Trading Post. When the post is fully constructed, open its menu and click Trade. Under Oxen, select the Import option then adjust the Desired Surplus to receive an exact number of Oxen. Be aware that each beast will cost you 20 Regional Wealth, as usual.
Having more Oxen facilitates faster transport around your town, and if you're interested in the Heavy Plot farming Development Upgrade - which lets your Oxen assist you in the fields and is one of the best Development Upgrades in the game - you're going to want to start purchasing Oxen as soon as possible.
Once you have multiple Oxen in your settlement, it's important that you start paying attention to Stable Space, which is similar to the Living Space requirement that you fulfill by building and upgrading your Burgage Plots. Like peasants, every ox needs a place to call home. The Small Stable and the Livestock Trading Post both provide 2 Stable Space, while the Hitching Post provides 1.
That's all you need to know about obtaining more Oxen to traverse your roads and fields. For more on everything you need to know on Manor Lords, check out our guides on laying down roads, demolishing buildings, or even exploring your ever-growing town in third person Visit Mode.