How to play third person in Manor Lords
Here's how to view your settlement up close and personal in Manor Lords
Want to observe your Manor Lords settlement in third person? Unlike many other city-building games which only give you a god's-eye-view of the action, Manor Lords offers a third-person mode. You can walk amongst the good folk inhabiting your village, observe the market stalls for yourself, and even stand before your troops before they head out to battle!
That said, as Manor Lords is still an Early Access title, the third person mode is very barebones at the moment. It's more of a fun aside than anything else, though seeing your bustling settlement grow from the point of view of a person on the ground does offer up an immense feeling of satisfaction. If you'd like to check out this fun gameplay mode while its still in its infancy, take a look at the following guide on how to play Manor Lords in third person.
How to play third person in Manor Lords
Accessing third person mode is very easy, but since the game never explicitly tells you much about this feature, it's possible to miss it entirely. To play in third person, simply look up at the top of your screen, next to the portrait of your character. You'll see an eye icon. Click on it, and you'll receive a message telling you about the experimental state of Visit Mode, which is the formal name of Manor Lords' third person feature.

Once you've acknowledged this prompt, you'll be transported to the ground of your burgeoning village and free to hike its roads, observe its ox carts, and meander through its neighbouring forests to your heart's content.
There's not much else you can really do at the moment in Visit Mode, and as of Early Access, you can only control a generic character rather than one who resembles your portrait. Considering the fact that Manor Lords is still very much a work in progress, however, the ability to leave the traditional topdown viewpoint for something more intimate is still fun, and has great potential.
That's all you need to know about playing Manor Lords in third person. Once this gameplay feature gets fleshed out a little further, we'll be sure to update you with all the details. For now, why not focus on building your town as much as possible, so that you'll have a truly expansive playground to wander through? Take a look at our guides on how to increase your Population, how to get Influence, and how to get Regional Wealth for starters. Our Manor Lords beginner's guide is also an excellent resource for planning out your first in-game year.