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Palworld type chart: All element strengths explained

Here's a type chart of all elements in Palworld and their strengths and weaknesses

Palworld screenshot of a Foxparks elemental skill
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Pocketpair

Looking for a Palworld type chart? In Palworld there are a total of 9 element types that are all strong or weak against one another. This means if you want to be successful in Palworld combat, you'll need to use a type chart to work out which Pals to bring with you in your team. With over 130 Pals in the game and only 5 slots available for your team at once, this is crucial information when planning encounters against bosses, alphas, lucky Pals and more.

Below, we've provided a type chart, explained all element strengths and weaknesses and included combat tips. We've also included a list of Pals that provide elemental buffs to other Pals in your team and the player's attacks. With this knowledge, you should be able to steamroll across the Palworld map, whatever your level.

In this guide:

Take a look at the Palworld early access trailer here, if you're one of the handful on Earth who hasn't yet played it.Watch on YouTube

Palworld type chart

There are a total of 9 elemental types in Palworld. As indicated by the type chart below, these types are all strong and weak against another element, meaning they'll deal either more or less damage.

Screenshot of the Palworld element chart
Palworld type chart with all elements listed | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Pocketpair

As you can see from the chart above, Electic Pals are strong against Water Pals but weak against Ground Pals. This means, that if you were facing a Water Pal in combat, you'd be best recruiting Electric types to your team.

It would also be worthwhile recruiting a Pal that offers a passive buff to all Electric attacks in your party. (More on Pals that provide elemental Partner Skills below).

In short, the arrows indicate which type is strong against another. We've formatted the chart into a table below for ease.

Element Strong against Weak to
Fire Grass, Ice Water
Grass Ground Fire
Ground Electric Grass
Electric Water Ground
Water Fire Electric
Ice Dragon Fire
Dragon Dark Ice
Dark Neutral Dragon
Neutral None Dark

Neutral Pals are the only type that isn't particularly strong against another (They are usually more skilled at being Base Pals), but Fire Pals are strong against both Grass and Ice Pals. Of course, the best Pals in Palworld tend to have access to two or three types of elemental attacks. As such, it's worth consulting your Paldeck for the best Pals possible before taking on an alpha or Lucky Pal.

Palworld type chart explained

As per the chart above, Pal types are weak or strong against others. This means they will either apply more or less damage to attacks. The following damage stats will apply based on your Pal's type and if they are strong or weak against the opposing element:

  • Strong against enemy: Does double damage.
  • Weak against enemy: Does half damage.
  • Has two elements, both strong against enemy: Does 4x the damage.
  • Has two elements, both weak against enemy: Does a quarter of normal damage.
  • Has two elements, one weak and one strong against enemy: Damage output is normal.
Palworld Type Chart with damage values
This table shows the damage values for all Pal types in Palworld | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/PocketPair

We've popped these damage values into the above image if you're more of a visual learner. In short, an element type will either deal double or half damage against another element depending if they are strong or weak against it. Pals with two types are slightly different as they have two elements in play. Blank squares represent normal damage output that has neither a buff or nerf to it.

How to use a type chart

Screenshot from a Palbox menu in Palworld
Here is a diverse team of Pals, each a different type and ready for exploration | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Pocketpair

With our Palworld type chart above, you now have a list of all Pal strengths and weaknesses. We've found that the best way to use a type chart in combat is by following two distinct combat methods.

First, if you are just exploring, make sure you have a diverse range of Pals in your team. That way, you have a good chance of equipping the element you need against any Pals you encounter.

This is particularly useful when taking on dungeon bosses as these tend to respawn randomly so you never know which type you'll be facing. Additionally, make sure the Pals you bring with you have multiple element attacks to cover more ground. There are many Pals within the Paldeck that are proficient in 2 to 3 different element types like the Jormuntide which has Dragon, Water and Electric attacks.

On the flipside, if you're entering a Syndicate Tower, the boss will always be the same. This means you'll have some time to prepare ahead of time and kit your team out with plenty of types strong against the boss in question.

We recommend checking out the boss first to get a feel for their attack patterns and element types before strategising and coming back with a full team. For example, the first boss you'll likely encounter is Zoe and Grizzbolt. As they are proficient in Electric attacks, you'll want to bring a team full of Ground Pals to take them on. We also recommend bringing a Pal that will buff all the Ground attacks of your party.

All Elemental Partner Skills

Palworld screenshot of a Mammorest's elemental skill
Image of a Mammorest Pal forming a Grass type attack | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Pocketpair

As discussed, some Pals have Partner Skills that, when unlocked, can offer a buff to the elemental attacks of other Pals in your party. These are listed below along with the element they enhance. You can also check out our complete Pal list for more information on all of the Pals mentioned below. To enhance the element you simply need to have one of the following Pals recruited to your team.

We've also added Pal locations to this list. As always, check out our full Pal Locations guide for more details on each Pal location in the game. If you'd rather get these Pals through breeding, see our full Breeding combos guide too.

Pal Element they buff when placed in your team Pal location
Sparkit Electric Small Settlement
Rooby Fire Natural Bridge
Hoocrates Dark Plateau of Beginnings
Cremis Neutral Desolate Church
Bristla Grass Gobfin's Turf
Ribunny Neutral Ascetic Falls
Dumud Ground Northeast of Sealed Realm of Winged Tyrant
Foxcicle Ice Free Pal Alliance Tower Entrance
Pyrin Fire Ruined Fortress City
Pyrin Nox Dark Ruined Fortress City
Dinossom Grass Grassy Behemoth Hills
Dinossom Lux Electric PIDF Tower Entrance
Wixen Fire Foot of the Volcano
Verdash Grass No.2 Wildlife Sanctuary
Kelpsea Water Azurobe Hill
Kelpsea Ignis Fire Raw Kelpsea
Warsect Fire No.2 Wildlife Sanctuary

The following Pals have a Partner Skill that, once unlocked, will apply their element type to the Player's attack damage. You'll notice that most of these Pals are also mounts and require you to be riding the Pal for the added elemental damage to be applied.

Pal Element they apply to Player's attacks Pal location
Nox Dark Small Settlement
Anubis Ground Northeast of Sealed Realm of the Winged Tyrant
Chillet Dragon (whilst mounted) Fort Ruins
Maraith Dark (whilst mounted) Pristine Snow Field
Univolt Electric (whilst mounted) Deep Bamboo Thicket
Beakon Electric (whilst mounted) Deep Sand Dunes
Ragnahawk Fire (whilst mounted) Beach of Everlasting Summer
Azurobe Water (whilst mounted) Bridge of the Twin Knights
Quivern Dragon (whilst mounted) Sealed Realm of the Winged Tyrant
Blazamut Fire (whilst mounted) North of the Ancient Civilization Ruins
Helzephyr Dark (whilst mounted) Mount Flopie Summit
Jormuntide Ignis Fire (whilst mounted) No.2 Wildlife Sanctuary
Suzaku Fire (whilst mounted) PIDF Tower Entrance
Suzaku Aqua Water (whilst mounted) Must breed a Suzaku and a Water Pal together
Shadowbeak Dark (whilst mounted) No.3 Wildlife Sanctuary
Frostallion Ice (whilst mounted) Land of Absolute Zero
Frostallion Noct Dark (whilst mounted) Must breed a Frostallion and Helzephyr together

All of these Pals are conduits for their element type. As such, it's worth consulting with the type chart above and recruit one of these Pals into your team before taking on any of the bosses or Alphas in the area.

That rounds off our guide to element types in Palworld. Now you should be all set to catch some of the rarer Pals in the game and build the optimal Pal team. For more tips and tricks, see our list of the best Pals in Palworld which includes the best flying mounts, regular mounts, best Pals for combat and more. Alternatively, see our guide to getting the Egg Incubator in the game, and hatch new Pals directly from your base.

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